The Girl with the Whispering Shadow

The Girl with the Whispering Shadow

2019 • 384 pages


Average rating4.3


3.5 stars

Book 2 in the Croswald series. I enjoyed this installment as well! We follow Ivy Lovely as her adventures and discovery of her past and future continue, both inside and outside the Halls of Ivy.

Once again, I loved Ivy's character, her curiosity, her bravery, her kindness, and also her realistic struggle with fear. I still find her extremely relatable. And, I still find her relationship with Fyn extremely adorable! (Although, I didn't like Fyn quite as much in this book... but he's still great.) And Rebecca. And Silius. And Derwin. These characters are so much fun!

The plot was more original and interesting than in the first book, even though I missed the classroom scenes that were more prevalent in book 1. I wasn't as distracted by the writing in this one, either. I had a really good time, and I'm curious about what happens next!

My one big issue is the way this story seems to promote breaking the rules. Yes, things turned out well in the end, but do ends justify means? Maybe in some cases, but I don't think it was portrayed as well as it could've been in the story.

Content warning: as in the previous book, there is magic and some dark scenes in this story, so be aware of that if that bothers you.

I received a copy of The Girl with the Whispering Shadow from the author in exchange for my honest review.

June 1, 2019Report this review