Average rating3.9
Karin Slaughter's The Good Daughter is an intense and deeply emotional thriller that blends dark crime with the complexities of family relationships. The story revolves around two sisters, Sam and Charlie, whose lives are shattered by a horrific act of violence in their childhood. Decades later, another tragedy—a school shooting—forces them to confront their past, their estranged relationship, and long-buried secrets.
What truly makes this book stand out is the depth of the characters. The bond between the sisters and their father, Rusty, is raw, messy, and unforgettable. Their interactions feel painfully real, making you invested in their journey even when the plot slows down. The portrayal of Sam as a disabled character is handled thoughtfully—she's smart, capable, and her struggles are a natural part of the story. The twists are clever, and the tension keeps you hooked, even when the action takes a backseat to conversation.
This book isn't just about crime—it's about trauma, survival, and the complicated ties that bind families together. It's dark and heart-breaking, but also leaves room for hope and redemption.