The Grand Biocentric Design: How Life Creates Reality

The Grand Biocentric Design: How Life Creates Reality

2020 • 298 pages


Average rating1.5


I tend to get a bit OCD when it comes to #dnf a book and have a really hard time doing so.

This book is testing the limits of that for me. Dr. Lanza seems to be taking the position that life created the universe by simply percieving its existence, and does so using #quantumphysics principles such as superposition and particles appearing once measured

In addition to that he uses the common religious apologist argument of #finetuning combined with out of context quotes from physicst like einstein, bohr, planck, shrodinger as an appeal to authority all in a effort to support his conclusion without any actual evidence.

He is trying to sell his philisophical position as science and has even brought in metaphyisics into his arguments and treating it as legit science rather than the abstract concepts it is

I am only halfway through but 1 star for me

June 11, 2021Report this review