The Grand Hotel

The Grand Hotel

2014 • 361 pages


Average rating3.3


This was included with audible, and it was fitting for Spooky Season, so I decided to give it a go. 
The story takes a group of people through the Grand Hotel as they listen to various stories from the longterm tenants. For all intents and purposes, this is a writing devise used to link a horror anthology series. I know this isn't uncommon, but it's the first of the style I've personally read. 
As a reader, I know stories are all about suspending your disbelief. However, the major thing I thought throughout this entire novel, is that the audio is roughly 10 hours long...who the hell would allow themselves to be toured around for 10 hours?? And the idea of a hotel kept making me think, like...don't they want to go to their rooms? And during each character's tale, the tourists would interject and comment it's not even like they were transported into the stories and time didn't matter. It might have just been an odd choice. 
Some of the stories were spooky, some were strange, and some were kind of boring. Also, the novel itself didn't entirely wrap up in my opinion. 

September 29, 2022Report this review