The Gravity of Existence

The Gravity of Existence

2022 • 94 pages


Average rating1.5


I'm a huge fan of poetry and I love getting to read new authors. This is my first time reading from Chistina Sng and I did like some of the poems. Unfortunately, there were many that I either did not get or that I just did not like. The concept was really interesting but I just did not understand a lot of the poems. Many of them were short, and while I do enjoy short poems, these ones just didn't make sense to me. I'm sure if I read this again in the future I might understand the poems more. There were a lot of poems that I didn't find meaningful and that could definitely just be me. There were a lot of interesting concepts but the poems didn't feel connected to the concepts, at least to me. I did enjoy the writing and that makes me want to try again with this author. Overall, I would give this 2 stars, it just wasn't for me.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for granting me the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

November 19, 2022Report this review