A great set of history lessons.
What I found delightful is how Matthew White manages to slide in a joke or two when talking about horrific tragedies.
I also appreciate how the author succeeds in describing fairly complex historical events in simple terms. My general knowledge of history is not vast, and I managed to get a good grip of each chapter.
If, at times you feel like the author skipped a couple of years, remember, the point of this book is to focus on the atrocities, not the flow of history in details.
My only personal regret is having read the Romanian edition of the book and not the English one. However, unlike in other cases, the translation was spot on.
No matter if you will be horrified or delighted by the chapters of the book, in the end, you will come out with a better understanding of historical events and how they reflect in the current times.
If one must look at the past in order to predict the future then I fear that humankind's greatest tragedies have yet to unfold.