The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

1920 • 180 pages


Average rating3.7


I think is a classic, it is beautifully written and the story, as simple as it is, is moving. The detail I liked the most is the reference of the green light, it is effortless ICONIC.

I think I am in the age of truly understanding and valuing the message told in this book, it talks about making your dreams come true, Gatsby worked hard to get there, only his means weren't honest and that's when he lost everything he truly cared for... the shallow things won't follow us to the grave, only the most important ones: love, friendship, people we left a positive mark on.

You see, Gatsby had his house filled with people every night attending his parties, but Nick struggled to find people willing to attend Jay's funeral in the end, and that tells us that you can be surrounded by people but that doesn't make you less lonely.

I watched the movie a long time ago and don't remember much of it except for the green light and the final scene. I will have to re-watch it and have a more solid opinion on whether the movie did justice to the book or not, as well as if they kept some details in the book that are more of a performance and less of quotes.

I enjoyed the book, it is fast-paced, nostalgic at times and I think it is the first book I've read that is written by a man that has romance in it, of course the genre is tragedy but still... it brings a nice POV.

July 3, 2024Report this review