Average rating4.2
This book was good, much better than the previous, I think it's because the main character had more development by this point and the mystery was better done. Celehar is also given an apprentice and the banter and character dynamics between the two is fun. This book is fun, and I would recommend it to people who want a mystery set in a fantasy setting.
I have reconciled with myself, after three books in this universe, that I just despise the names. I hate them. Sorry, Katherine Addison, they are needless complex and confusing. Especially listening to a mystery on audio, I just never have any concept of who any character is. Which is a problem for a mystery because reveals and twists mean nothing. “Oh wow, it's Belmforahingseringpolis!” but I don't remember who the hell Belmforahingseringpolis is or why that's surprising. So I will probably refrain from reading any books published in this world going forward, but I do think they're well written and entertaining.