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The Growing Season

The Growing Season

How I Saved an American Farm--And Built a New Life

2020 • 272 pages


Average rating4


This is an inspiring story from a part of the country that we don't often hear from. I grew up near Orchardville, so it is special to see it portrayed so positively. There were times where it felt like I understood some things better because I knew the area, but overall she did a good job of making the area understandable to anyone.
The strongest parts of this memoir is her childhood. That's isn't surprising because she has had the most time to reflect on that period. When a memoir is too close to the events of the story it seems not as deep. It feels like the author hasn't really processed the events enough. So the end felt a little rushed and not deep enough.
There is a whole lot to be inspired by. I was amazed at the number of risks she took in her business. I see why she has made it to the point she has made. She has believed in herself, her products, and her vision. Now the whole country sees it. That is inspiring and that makes the book worth the read.

October 25, 2020Report this review