Average rating4.5
This is a book I've heard a ton about and read some really great reviews. I read in the back that this is Angie Thomas' first book and she has some real talent. Wow, I was captivated through the whole book. I can't wait to see what she rights next. When I had the free time I would instantly pick up this book, it was always hard to pull myself away. This is about Starr who is a teen girl who is the witness of a murder. She was in the car when her friend was shot and killed by an officer. This is her journey to find justice and to keep living. This book covers some very important issues like police brutality, race, Black Lives Matter movement, and actual teen issues all in one book. This is one of the best books I have read this year. I highly recommend reading this. ~AshleyIf you liked this book you may also like [b:Firekeeper's Daughter 52346471 Firekeeper's Daughter Angeline Boulley https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1595093218l/52346471.SY75.jpg 73690020]