The Haunting of Hill House

The Haunting of Hill House

1959 • 6 pages


Average rating3.7


2019 initial read: not my favourite from shirley jackson, but a new favourite nonetheless.
like hangsaman and we have always lived in the house, this book is scary in the eerie sense. you always feel like there's something looking over your shoulder but you don't want to turn and find out just how terrifying it is. haunting of hill house is slightly more plot driven, which i enjoyed, especially having watched the tv show first

ps, the tv show is nothing like the book! both are great in their own ways

2020 october re-read:
GUH. i loved this more looking at it from a very analytically critical point of view rather than a work of entertainment. i don't know why i love stories about descents into madness, but this one is probably my favorite of all time (with turn of the screw being a close second)


October 6, 2020Report this review