Average rating4.2
“So we's the same. Just a different color.”
Geez, I had trouble finish this book. I think it's a brave move to write about racism from a priviliged side of story. Judging from the experiences that the author has first hand, I'd say that the story is pretty even accurate one even though this is supposed to be a fiction. Being POC myself I could relate to the hate you get because of the different color of your skin. It makes my blood boil just to read about it.
As a non-native english speaker I had quite hard time reading Aibeleen's point of views as they were written in a accent. But I loved her personality, how much she actually cared and all the bad things happened to her she wasn't vengeful towards anyone - always so calm, waiting for the moment she strikes back but she never did. She just went with her life like “it is what it is” and move to another chapter. I think that's what makes the book so good and so real for this.
The bittersweet ending.