Cover 5

The History of Gibbeting

The History of Gibbeting: Britain's Most Brutal Punishment


Average rating5


Gibbeting has been portrayed in movies and books, often with a more “romantic” view of what their original intent was. The true history of what these gibbets represented was much more brutal, a deterrent for those who were thinking about committing crimes.

From the rise of the gibbet to the last man put into one, the History of Gibbeting takes us through the reasons behind why they were used, the crimes committed, and the hope that by hanging in public view, it would stop anyone from wanting to commit similar crimes. For a while, gibbeting was popular, giving the community a sense of justice being served, while punishing the perpetrator with the lack of a decent burial. But as with most sensations, this one eventually burned out,

This book gives a great background of the rise and decline of gibbeting, the many different crimes, perpetrators and the reasons (or lack thereof) for the crime being committed. I loved this book, and it was fascinating to read the many different accounts and try to figure out why the judges would sometimes order the gibbeting of the condemned.

Highly recommended! Fabulous read and engaging!

February 20, 2020Report this review