The Hitchhiker

The Hitchhiker

This cover is bloody AWFUL. It looks like two dudes on the cover. And although the title font is attractive it is much too large and throws off the composition in my opinion.

I tried I did, but there is no redeeming this hero for me. I don't give a flying fuck whether he gets an HEA or not. In fact, I think I would prefer he get killed and the heroine who seems to be a genuinely nice person find someone worthy of her because this asshole isn't even in the same realm as worthy.

I knew there was going to be OW sex scenes thanks to my friend Kate, but I thought if it was before the hero and heroine were together I could get past it. Alas, the author plays up the attraction between the hero/heroine for the first 25% of the book when he promptly lets his maid give him a BJ. Of course, the heroine walks in on it and is hurt and shuts him out.

NOW I could have gotten past that since the hero felt sorry and admits he screwed up etc. BUT...he THEN goes out to do a job for two weeks, and because his poor widdle feelings are hurt because the heroine froze him out over the BJ incident (that happened less than a week earlier.) He decides to have a threesome with another TWO women!! With the lovely attitude of “Fuck her for freezing me out. I do what I want!” (Said in my best Cartman voice). So much for knowing he messed up and feeling bad! Apparently, he didn't feel bad enough not to do it again! fineto it is!

In fact here is his whole piss poor reasoning...

Caitlin's smiling face flashes before me. Fuck it! She's not willing to forgive me when I truly had nothing to ask forgiveness for; then there ain't a damn thing wrong with having a bit of fun. We aren't committed to each other, and after this charade is over, she'll be gone. There's not one Goddamn reason for me to be tied up in knots over her. I promised her one thing: safety”