Average rating3.4
This strangely felt like I was reading a young YA novelization of a Disney movie. It was sappy and a very predictable plot and ultimately as exciting as weak chamomile tea. Nothing particularly wrong with weak chamomile tea when you want something relaxing and light, that just wasn't what I'd hoped for from the description.
I liked the idea of honey-influenced magic, but the only relationship that didn't feel flower-petal thin was Marigold learning from and helping her grandmother. The “reveal” about Lottie was predictable as soon as she was so persistent about magic being fake and useless - a random person wouldn't be that stuck on it being a waste, even with the contrived romance clich?? like her explanation at the end, “I felt something for you immediately and didn't know what to do.” And the plot idea of a witch being cursed to never be loved is very overdone and the characters felt way too flat to make “they're breaking the curse through their believable love” interesting or effective here.