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The Hunter and the Mage

2020 • 498 pages


Average rating5


This sequel is amazing, this world is fantastic and I'm officially obsessed with this series.
After The Raven and The Dove's ending, I was so anxious to start The Hunter and The Mage. I was happy that it started up right where the first book ended. It was a roller-coaster and I read it in a day. Couldn't stop!
The multiple POVs kept me enraptured by the story, the details about the magic system, the world above and the world below painted a perfect picture of Lyanna's world and Malek's world. The world building is so impressive, there's so many distinctive details between the worlds and the dynamics are so different and vivid. Both worlds are stunning with amazing characters, a rich detailed magic system and an ancient mysterious prophecy about a queen and a king that can save both worlds.
This story is breathtaking and captivating, with flawed, wonderful and, at times, infuriating characters. Rafe and Xander are definitely my favorites and I devoured their POVs. Lyanna was a little off balance at the beginning of the story, which was understandable, fortunately she really shined through the story and grew into an amazing, strong heroine. I really loathe Malek, can't stand the way he controlled everyone and how he justified his actions for the sake of the greater good. Cassi... Well, Cassi was the most infuriating character ever! Especially because I don't want to care for her but then she did a few noble actions here and there and I ended up caring again, you know? 
I loved The Hunter and The Mage, I think it's a beautifully written tale of magic, love, friendship, survival and unexpected twists. I'm in love with this compelling series and I'm really looking forward to the next book. Highly recommended, a top favorite of 2020.

September 19, 2020Report this review