The Husband Hunters: Social Climbing in London and New York

The Husband Hunters: Social Climbing in London and New York

2017 • 368 pages


Average rating4.5


The Husband Hunters takes us back to another time. The craze of finding a husband to increase social standing became the norm. Socialites and those wanting to break into the social scene in the states began to head to Europe looking for titled husbands for their daughters.

Anne de Courcy takes us through a time in history when money was everything, and wealth was put on ostentatious display. The gaudier, the better. Everyone went out of their way to outdo the next and the power struggles within the social structures. The old money did not want to welcome the new money.

This book was something else! I knew about the American girls heading to the European circuits looking for husbands, but I never realized the extent of the power struggles that mothers went through to ensure that their daughters were placed into the social scene. This book was an eye-opener and brings an aspect of history that is not talked about often. LOVED THIS BOOK!

November 5, 2018Report this review