Average rating5
3.5 stars
I was provided an ecopy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I started reading this book a couple years ago and I think I only managed to get a couple chapters in before I put it down and didn't pick in back up. At the time I just wasn't in the mood for it. I finally picked it back up and while I didn't end up falling in love with it like everyone else has I did end up enjoying it. This book is a pretty hard book to read but at the same time it's hopeful. This book is about forgiveness. Forgiveness of others and yourself. My issue was with the characters. You are meant to feel bad for them and I did but at the same time I didn't particularly like either one of them and the romance didn't completely work for me either but not for the reason you might think (if you read this then you know what I am talking about). I get what the author did with this book and for that it gets points but it just didn't 100% work for me unfortunately.