The Innocents

The Innocents



Average rating4.2


Thank you to the GR Giveaway organizers for a copy of the book. I really wanted to read this novel. I'm left with the sense that it is truly a NOVEL. a piece of literature. There were things about the story that made me feel uncomfortable and at times I didn't “enjoy” the read, however it is not a summer beach novel. It is a book which is extremely well written and the author spent great time pacing out the ebb and flow of information and description. His descriptions paint the cove and isolation of Eastern Canada in your minds eye brilliantly. As you read the novel it is easy to imagine this tine and place. You are capable through the writing to envision how this novel would look in visual format. For that alone perhaps I should rate it 5 stars. Perhaps in tome I will up my rating. Today I will leave it at 4 stars based solely on my personal bias that I felt the pacing a bit too slow and I was not always driven to pick it up and finish. In truth however I wonder if that has more to do with my coming recently from summer reading where action and pace are the driving narrative of quickly inhaled paperbacks.
I believe this book will stand the test of time and I will return to it again for a second reading.

November 2, 2019Report this review