The Island
2016 • 260 pages


Average rating5


I was introduced to the work of S. Usher Evans when my husband bought me the first three books in her Razia series as a Christmas gift. So when I had a chance to support her Kickstarter for The Island, I jumped all over that. It was just the icing on the cake that I got a copy of the book ahead of time! So I took The Island with me to my son's doctor's appointment, figuring I'd get a good start on it while we waited.

We waited for two hours and a little more, and I finished the book because I The story of two warring countries, Rave/David versus Kylae/Goliath, pulled me right in. Theo is a pilot for Rave, and she's gunning for some Kylaens. When she learns that Prince Galian will be flying, she's gunning for him in particular. Galian wouldn't be flying at all, were it left up to him. He'd prefer to use his medical training , but joins the military at his father's strongly worded request. In the air battle, Theo does indeed shoot down the princeling's plane, but crashes her own in the process. So there they are, from two enemy nations, stranded on a deserted island...together. How would you like to be stuck on an island with someone who represents what you hate the most? Theo's none too crazy about it, to put it mildly. But she's injured, and Galian doesn't know a whole lot about survival, and neither of them has a way off the island since both planes went down, and it becomes clear fairly quickly that they're going to need to rely on each other if they make it out of this alive.

Action? Check. A battle with the deck stacked against one nation? Yep. Characters that make you laugh and cry and want to reach into the pages and shake them? Oh, yes. And maybe some romance, too, and some intrigue, and, oh, just go get a copy!

You can preorder The Island from Amazon right this minute, or you can order it when it comes out on April 26. But do yourself a favor - get this book!

February 18, 2016Report this review