The Ivies

The Ivies

2021 • 312 pages


Average rating3.2


The Ivies is a book that has been on my tbr for a very long time and it's also a book that I went into completely unaware, which I'm finding is the best way to read a book.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Usually, I find that Young Adult Thriller/Mysteries fall a bit flat as they have to attempt to not be too scary for their targeted audiences, however, this was so much fun.

The mystery and the thrill of Olivia and Ethan investigating the murder of Olivia's roommate and friend, Emma reminded me a lot of A Good Girl's Guide To Murder (aka the best series ever). I love not being able to trust any of the characters and having a feeling of suspicion about all of them, it almost makes it feel as if I'm a part of the story.

Olivia was such a fun main protagonist and someone that you couldn't help but root for.

I would've loved to have rated this book higher than I had but there were a few things that I didn't like about this book. I disliked the motive behind Emma's death and I wasn't a huge fan of how the ending played out.

Overall, this was fun and I can see myself revisiting this again in the future.

March 10, 2023Report this review