The Joy Plan: How I Took 30 Days to Stop Worrying, Quit Complaining, and Find Ridiculous Happiness

The Joy Plan

How I Took 30 Days to Stop Worrying, Quit Complaining, and Find Ridiculous Happiness

2017 • 320 pages


Average rating4


I had been listening to this audiobook for several days when I ran across this passage:

“I just couldn't stop worrying about everything.
‘Kaia, just relax,' my mom had said.
‘I'm trying as hard as I can,' I exclaimed.”

Oh my, I thought. I remember that. In fact, I'd written it down; I liked it so much.

Still later, I found this passage:


1. You are responsible for your own experience.
2. Start each day with gratitude.
3. Whenever possible, ignore or avoid anything that makes you feel bad.
4. Keep a mental portfolio of happy thoughts you can refer back to regularly.
5. Exercise until you sweat at least three times a week.
6. Look for opportunities to smile and laugh.
7. Walk outside, look around, and marvel at what a miracle it all is.
8. Indulge your five senses in some form of pleasure every day.
9. When in doubt, drink more water and eat more vegetables.
10. If you are having relationship troubles with your spouse, make love. Most of the time that will solve it.
11. Nothing is ever as big a deal as you think it is.
12. Complaining about something is telling the universe you'd like a second helping, please.
13. You don't have to be defined or limited by your hardships.
14. There's no such thing as failure, only research and plot twists.
15. When things are hard, remember you are on the verge of a breakthrough.
16. The key to success isn't intelligence or money; it's faith.
17. Parking spots and cookies are just as easy to manifest as dream jobs and financial abundance.
18. The universe has a creative way to fulfill all your desires beyond what you can imagine. Your fear and worry only get in the way.
19. Look for ways to say yes instead of no.
20. Always come back to gratitude.

Oh yes, I copied these into my journal, too.

Clearly I needed to read this book again.

So I did. Over and over. I listened to the whole book once, twice, and then I randomly went back and listened to the chapters I enjoyed the most.

Very, very helpful book.

February 20, 2022Report this review