The Keeper of the World
528 pages


Average rating4


Four women are about to have their entire world turned upside down in the first of a new YA trilogy (I am so glad it is a trilogy, as I HAVE to know what happens next). Meet Bethan, Saz, Bex and Meggie, who until now were living their best life, when Edmund, a great explorer, discovers they have a bigger part to play. What obviously started out as a love letter to Lord of the Rings (I mean 8 people travelling on a quest together?), becomes a story of adventure and companionship, and a chance to save the world they love.

The four Elements and their companions are called to a greater purpose, to release the Keeper of the World and save their home, a planet called Tungala. The first half is devoted to the collection and journey to a town called Stanzleton, where they will all meet for the first time, and continue on with their quest to save the world. These journeys are not without their own trials and tribulations, but the real danger comes when it becomes apparent that there are forces competing for the power within the Keeper of the World. Barely escaping with the skin of their teeth, they then set off to their final destination, and uncovering the mystery of the orb and how they can save their planet.

Whilst marketed as a YA Epic Fantasy, these characters are in the tail end of young adulthood, making their determination and willingness to get involved more believable and their characters easier to relate to. The world building in this is exceptional, giving you the feeling of being alongside the characters throughout their journey, whilst also introducing new and old mythical beings without much hesitation. Alongside the detail of the world, you also get a deep insight into the inner workings of each character, creating a bond with them that leaves you rooting for them end up with their happily ever after.

Overall a strong start to an exciting journey, with a great introduction to each of the characters and who they are. Whilst some characters have more focus than others (talk about sexual tension!), there is plenty to keep you rooting for them to succeed in their quest and get their happily ever after. Bring on book number 2!

February 18, 2021Report this review