The Kiss and Other Stories

The Kiss and Other Stories

1897 • 57 pages

Five daring tales of passion, decadence, and betrayal...
For me, five pointless tales of zero interest, which seemingly went nowhere!

Some time ago I picked up the Penguin 60s Classics box set for a bargain price, and enjoyed a good number of the books which interested me. Under obligation to finish these off, I pick one up every now and then to make progress, but I hold little hope of gaining much from the ones I have left. I live in hope though.

The high point of these stories were the ridiculous names of the characters, making me glad times have moved on so far - Tante Elodie, Fifine Delonse, Brently Mallard, good grief.

My stars are simply a reflection of my enjoyment of the book.

July 10, 2022Report this review