The Last Song of Penelope
2024 • 464 pages


Average rating4.5


Out today, the third book in The Songs of Penelope Series.

Oh, how I loved this series! Each narrated by a different goddess, this is the book narrated by Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. Her personality and values makes for a very strong narrative voice. Because a goddess is the narrator, we get both her 1st person perspective, but an all-seeing 3rd person perspective, giving you insights into everyone around Ithaca.

This is the culmination of a story of how men consistently underestimate women's power. Penelope, Queen of Ithaca, has had to get creative defending her land all while taking advantage of those who dismiss her. I will not spoil this book or this series, but it was so fun to read. This book was a lot heavier on the battle scenes, but with a good mix of political scheming and interpersonal conflict. The ending did not disappoint.

The whole series for me is a 4 star. I liked it a lot and do recommend it, especially if you're already a fan of Greek mythology. I appreciate Netgalley and the publisher for providing a digital copy of this book. I will be getting the physical copy soon to complete my set.

June 4, 2024Report this review