The Legend
2019 • 364 pages


Average rating5


You know how sometimes you're so excited for a book that in the back of your mind you're a little nervous that it'll be a letdown? Not that you doubt the author will write a great story, but that you just expect so much that it's hard for anyone to be able to fully compete with your expectations? Dylan Allen not only met but exceeded my expectations with The Legend. This book is everything I could have hoped and imagined and then some. When we first met Remington Wilde in The Legacy I was intrigued and wanted to know more about him. I even went as far as to say he was going to be my new book boyfriend. I knew I loved him and wanted his story. Well, Dylan didn't make me wait long and she didn't disappoint. Remi and Kal's story is one of the best second chance romances I have EVER read. It is full of intrigue and heartbreak and beauty. I highlighted so many of their moments. True love really is worth a million chances and they prove that to us throughout this book.

The Legend is spectacularly written. Dylan Allen intricately weaves love, emotion, lies, intrigue, heartbreak and sex throughout this book that it is a beauty to behold. As I read and saw layers of the story unfold before my eyes I was captivated by the depth and beauty of it. It was messy love. It was a disaster waiting to happen. And each time I thought I had a handle on it, on my emotions, something else would happen...another layer would be revealed and I'd be left reeling. And it all comes together so seamlessly, that once it's over, I was left smiling at the utter perfection that was this story. How invested I was in this world and these characters and wanting to dive right back in again. Now that's not to say it was easy. It was not easy. I shouted, a lot, I cursed even more. So many curse words! I laughed out loud. I imagined high-fiving and fist-pumping character, as well as throat-punching...I'm talking serious, hold a girl back, I'm about to cause bodily harm. I also cried. I stayed up late into the early hours because I couldn't put it down. My heart wasn't sure it could take the beating it was being handed, but IT WAS WORTH IT. I love that an author can evoke such visceral reactions from me with their words.

I think the length of their story, the time it covered worked fantastically. Like with Envy, we got to experience, rather than just be told what their history entailed, and I will always champion that because I think it gives the reader an insight and connection to each character that they might not have gotten without least, not as deep a connection. I feel, anyway. One of the things that I truly adored about this story is that it was all about timing. Things had to happen the way they did for them to appreciate what their love was. It involved a lot of heartache for them both and I hate that they both had to experience so much of it, but it made them who they are today and realise that true love can and will outlast and conquer anything else. I want more. I know, I know, I'm selfish but I'd totally be down for a novella - let me see them living their happily ever after. I just love this couple so much. I didn't want to leave them. I'm not opposed to begging.

Remi was everything I could have hoped for. He was smooth...well, at least he thought he was LOL. He was sweet and caring and he loved so deeply, how could anyone not fall head over heels for him? And that mouth? Oh, my days! Who knew he had that sexy, bossy, dirtiness hidden away. (Raises hand!) Kalilah Greer is everything. You know, I am super hard on my heroines. They have to work hard to win me over, I dunno why, I just am. I need them to be amazing, I need to connect with them on a level. Dylan has yet to write a heroine that I don't fall for. Kal is vulnerable, yet strong. She has this resilience to her that has to be respected. She's experienced so much, yet her heart is still open. Even when she is beaten down, she gets right back up and does what she must. And I just loved that about her. I may have disagreed with some of her decisions...maybe just one of them, but I understood it. I respected her need for it. She's the type of woman I could imagine being friends with. The type of person I'd want in my life. Their connection and chemistry was off the charts. From sweet to downright dirty. I was with them and I swooned. Hard. I fell hard, and I never stopped. Remi has game...but, Kal was never that to him and I think that's why this love was so captivating. This cover, sigh, this cover is so them. It screams Remi and Kal. Their passion and love and struggles just shine through on this image. I cannot wait to get my hands on the paperback.

I love Rivers Wilde and I still want to move there. I know a bookstore that could hire me. I'd be an awesome employee...just saying!

February 23, 2019Report this review