Average rating3.8
rating- 3/5[b:The Lives of Saints 54205369 The Lives of Saints (Grishaverse) Leigh Bardugo https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1593535795l/54205369.SY75.jpg 84577530] is a collection of the short stories of miracles and martyrdoms of the saints in the grishaverse. The stories are pretty short and make for a fast read.While it makes a great addition to the grishaverse, most stories of the saints have the same recurring theme of: miracle is performed,-they are either branded as evil and killed by the people -or become a hero and die doing good deeds.due to this there were only few stories that stood out to me. Reading about the familiar saints like Lizabeta, Anastasia, Nikolai, Grigori, Juris or for that matter Alina and the Starless saint was really nice but i don't think any of the other stories will stay with me for too long.The illustrations are beautiful and although i read the ebook, I'd love to have a physical copy for the illustrations alone.I also listened to the audiobook for a few stories and BEN BARNES narrates it. (I feel like that's more than enough reason to listen to the audiobook immediately.)overall, i liked the lives of saints but it doesn't stand out to me like the beautiful and haunting writing in [b:The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic 34076952 The Language of Thorns Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic (Grishaverse, #0.5, 2.5, 2.6) Leigh Bardugo https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1491842507l/34076952.SX50.jpg 55087763] does. The stories are fast and don't add anything to your existing knowledge of the grishaverse. you could pick it up if you're in a reading slump or need short stories to read in between books.