The Lonesome Crown
2022 • 1,088 pages


Average rating4.2


This is now in my top series of all time.. and this third book was amazing. Gripes you from the get go and I could not put it down. Lots of twists I did not see coming, gasps “did that just happen?!”, EPIC battle scenes, and actually quite a lot of laughing out loud as well as there are some very funny characters who still manage to be funny even in the midst of an crazy and brutal 2 day battle.

I will say if you do not like blood, gore, or cussing this is not the series/book for you... if you like a little grimdark in your life than I could not recommend this enough!! It is criminally underrated and I hope more people discover this and love it as much as I do.

Also just want to note that the audiobooks are phenomenal, Tim Gerard Reynolds does an amazing job. Unfortunately the this third book is not yet available in audio but I will definitely be doing a reread of this in the future and will pick that up.

December 14, 2022Report this review