Average rating3
So I pretty much went into this book blind. I did read the synopsis when I received a NetGalley widget via email back in January of 2020 but I didn't remember what it was about when I started reading it. Based on the cover I was expecting a cutesy romance and while we kind of get that we also get a surprise kid and a con-artist among other tropes. At first it was a little hard to keep up with because we get this stream of consciousness writing but I eventually got used to it. I loved how Rake grows throughout the book and while we always think he's a stupid playboy he's actually smarter than he lets everybody believe. You will also find yourself laughing while you're reading this. One issue I had is how when everything was revealed in the end it was like the characters just moved past it without any consequences. I think there should have been some consequences for certain characters. Also I didn't realize this was the second book in a series but you can read it as a standalone. I will say that after reading the synopsis of the first one you will get spoiled for what happens so you might want to read the first one before reading this one. Again overall an enjoyable read.