Cover 1

The Lovers

The Lovers: Cards of Love



Average rating5


Fiona Cole never ceases to impress me with her stories and how she masterfully portrays them. Her writing is fresh and original and screams to be read and read again. Lovers was no different, you think going in that you know what it's about and how it's going to go down...but, it turns itself around and surprises you with the turns it takes. Definitely not your typical MMF story. The happily ever after isn't easy, it's a war that will leave you exhausted after each battle. And that's what makes the end so wonderful. Knowing what these characters have endured to get to their HEA. When I first read Voyeur and met Jackson, I knew he was someone special and I was incredibly excited when I found out he was getting his own story, Fiona didn't disappoint. The steam level is off the charts. I'm talking fist biting, panty exploding sexy. Seriously, I think my scale is broken - it was hotter than hot and it fit so perfectly with the story and the characters that I never once questioned a scene. Each one had a point and progressed the story. The chemistry was jumping out from the page, grabbing me and engrossing me in their story. These characters had me laughing...a lot, the banter is spot on, and , we all know I'm a huge banter fan. The emotion had me getting a little choked up on a number of occasions. The struggles they experience especially Jake, was almost palpable and had me sitting back and shaking your head and having an understanding that I wish I didn't, because I wanted to dislike him...just a little, but, it's just not possible. My heart broke for Jackson, Jake, and Carina at different times, the raw vulnerability that they showed really hits you in the gut.
I feel that Fiona took this storyline in a different direction than what is expected and I loved that. I love that she didn't take the easy route to get the HEA, she made them work for it. Carina's father deserved a throat-punch whilst being kicked in the balls - I'm disappointed that didn't happen, but, we can't have everything!
To give you an idea of how much I loved this book, I stayed up until 4am to finish it, and when my baby woke me at 7.30am, I picked the book back up and started it again. I've added it to my list of 2018 favourite books. Definitely one to add to your must read shelf.

October 6, 2018Report this review