The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September/October 2018

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, September/October 2018

2018 • 258 pages


Average rating4


I think this is the 4th issue in my subscription. It was the best so far! Two 5's and two 4's!

A slight spoiler follows?

The science story on blood was quite appropriately placed after the story “Suicide Watch”, both story and science article were favorites of mine!

1-5 rating, Author, Title

3 - Brian Trent - The Memorybox Vultures
5 - Cassandra Khaw and Jonathan L. Howard - Shooting Iron
1 - Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam - The Men Who Come From Flowers
4 - Harry Turtledove - Powerless
3 - Brenda Kalt - The Gallian Revolt as Seen from the Sama-Sama Laundrobath
4 - Jeremiah Tolbert - We Mete Justice With Beak and Talon
1 - Yukimi Ogawa - Taste of Opal
5 - Susan Emshwiller - Suicide Watch
3 - Gregor Hartmann - Emissaries From the Skirts of Heaven
3 - Sarina Dorie - Impossible Male Pregnancy: Click to Read Full Story
2 - Geoff Ryman - Blessed

October 3, 2018Report this review