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Alexandria is close to one of the most annoying characters I have had the displeasure of reading. As I type this I'm about halfway through the book so I don't have high hopes for her changing any time soon.
**Finished the books, and no, she doesn't get any better.
At least twice in every chapter she says something like ‘At the RC we did...' or ‘they never did this at the RC' or something along those lines. And she's so forced granola crunchy it's painful. Sure I care about being socially conscience, but she takes it to the extreme and does not shut up about it. She reminds me of Zara from the Need trilogy by Carrie Jones with her letters Amnesty International letters. Well, Zara on steroids is more accurate. Zara was never this zealous or obnoxious about her causes. Alex doesn't have a cause, she just wants to bitch about everything that isn't the RC.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Katie Crouch's foray into YA fiction is so one dimensional and frustrating. Girls in Trucks was one of my least favorite books and while this is a completely different genre it still has the same dry tone.
Even after reading the book in the library about Hoodoo and how it's different than Voodoo when all is revealed to her she goes on and on about how they aren't ‘African' and Voodoo is crazy talk. Whenever anyone tells her something about magic or Hoodoo that doesn't fit into her idea of okay she dismisses it as untrue or impossible. Ummm, really?
I will say that The Magnolia League was a little more interesting than Girls in Trucks. Mostly, because it had a plot, but I'm not sure I'll be continuing with the series.