Cover 4

The Maid


Average rating3


I like this the least of all I've read so far (8 of 12). The idea for the story is interesting, but the story isn't well told. We are told there are secrets and then teased about them, we get some information, and then she just drops it, but then she tells us there's more. And it's not intriguing, it's irritating. The secret isn't interesting enough.
Also, how these people reason is... illogical to me. Some things they realize without anyone saying a word, some things they don't realize even when it's obvious. I mean, if a guy whom you haven't seen since you were a kid, greets you by kissing you and then carrying you to his home away from other people, he doesn't see you as a child. I promise you. And then when he teases you in a stable and you get in a rather compromising situation, and he lets you go and apologizes for his inappropriate behavior, that doesn't mean he sees you as a child, on the contrary.
But - thinking that the only reason for her brother to lie was that he was the murderer - that doesn't make any f-ing sense! What if the brother had misunderstood something? What if the brother had been told lies about what happened? What if the brother was protecting someone else? Uh. No. It MUST be either one or the other.

“Trying to ride astride in a skirt was a challenge, but she found she enjoyed the feel of being more in control of the horse.”

sigh I really wish writers found out more information, AND ASKED PEOPLE WHO HAVE ACTUALLY DONE THESE THINGS. You have just as much control of the horse when you ride aside as when you ride astride. It's just different. So you would have problems riding astride, because you aren't used to it, and aside is different, not easier or better.

Also, I'm very upset about the description of the poor family and the dirt. “There were insects crawling all over it, nibbling at the congealed fat and other food leftovers.” They are so poor and hungry they steal food. Would there have been leftovers?

Groom: “You can go if you want to, because I love you.”
Bride: “Ok. Tell the preacher the wedding is off.”
Groom: (disappointed)”Ok. I'll do that.” He leaves.
Friend:”Did he call off the wedding?”
Bride:”Yes, he did. But it's not. Tell the preacher the wedding is not off.”

“Not only was he quoting Shakespeare, but her favorite play, Hamlet.”

December 25, 2019Report this review