The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth

The Making of Biblical Womanhood

How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth

2021 • 256 pages


Average rating4.9


This book is half Barr's story, half history book. This puts the context of the topic into both personal and through the scope of history, which I think is a brilliant combination. I have the to not be subjugated to the short end of the patriarchy stick. I do continue to face it in my personal life among family and fellow Christians who seem to be amazed that my wife and I do not fall into these expected roles headship theology (referred to as complimentarianism in this book).

I learned a ton of history in this book, both and New Testament. When put in context with ideologies pushed in over the last century, Barr shows just how glaringly unChristlike this theology is and how much men have continued to find ways to maintain power and authority under different guises. 

It would be irresponsible to point out the importance of the personal narrative woven through this book. This isn't just a debate over a topic that has no current day impact on our lives like pre, mid, or post tribulation debates. This has a real world impact that hurts people here and now while also bearing witness about Jesus Christ and taking name in. 

I recommend this book to all who want to understand more about this theology and why it is so toxic to both men and women. I also recommend this book to those who believe this theology does not reflect God and need a well thought, historically researched treatise showing this is the case.

May 22, 2022Report this review