The Malice
2016 • 451 pages


Average rating4.3


I enjoyed a lot the highly original and very complex word-building and secondary characters (especially the Infernals). I loved some of the quasi-antagonists (the First, the Man-Shape, Samael) and got thrills from some of the really really bad guys. I also loved the writing - often very poetic.
The story is much better, complex, realistic and developed than the first book in the series.
All in all, a very good book that would have gotten a 5/5 from me... except the main character, Vesper. Not only could I not feel for her YA... everything, but even so she was unconvincingly built as a character: always failing and being weak (so no suspense ever in her behavior); and being the whole book one way, then, in the end, suddenly acting the opposite just to close the story. Then back to the former self, as if nothing happened.
So, a 5/5 book as a whole, but with a very big drawback.

February 3, 2019Report this review