The Many Dates of Indigo

The Many Dates of Indigo

2022 • 352 pages


Average rating3


2.5 and rounding up because I think there is an audience that will enjoy reading this.

As someone who is very particular about the romances they pickup because it's not a genre I tend to love, I'm always very conscious of my reviews because I don't want to turn people away from a book they will enjoy, just because I'm picky.

I really wanted to like this one, especially since it features a Black MC, and she's about to enter her 30's, so I was hoping it would be relatable since I met my husband when I turned 30, but I found so much of it extremely grating. At the 50% mark I was ready to give up, but felt like I had to continue because of receiving an ARC. I'm sure this book will be liked by many, but so much of the conflict centers on non-communication and that super irks me.


Firstly, Indigo is a 30 year old woman who was burned in the past, and therefore everyone in her family feels the need to gatekeep her dating life, particularly her father, who repeatedly states that he needs to approve of who she's with.

She is in love with her best friend, but they refuse to talk about their relationship. NOT COMMUNICATING as a means of causing conflict is a real pet peeve of mine.

So then she meets a really nice guy she likes, they talk every day, and yet it's over a month before they discuss the fact that she has a dog, and he's not a dog person? It's over a month before he tells her he's a recovering alcoholic? And she completely panics about it, and decides to not talk to him for days so she can figure out whether she wants to keep dating him? Again, wouldn't COMMUNICATING be the best move on this? That way you can figure out together how to best work together to be on the same page with what being together would like, and what they both need?

It felt like a badly orchestrated conflict to make a reason for her to start dating the rude guy that works for the same law firm as her parents, who has been chasing her despite her repeatedly telling him NO.

So sadly, this was a miss for me, but as I mentioned before I'm certain there is an audience who will enjoy this.

***Thank you to Dreamscape Media for providing me with the audiobook for free via NetGalley for an unbiased review.

January 25, 2023Report this review