The Master of Disguise

The Master of Disguise


Average rating3.5


With a budding variety of espionage history and CIA dirty laundry being aired, this particular memoir presented a refreshing and unique viewpoint. I'm glad I stumbled upon the opportunity to read this and I feel it delivers every bit of the four stars I have awarded the experience. Tony presents his history in a fun, well organized, an interesting way. He helps you widen your view of the complex nature of professional espionage without an overbearing focus on the deep, dark horrors of the game many people play. Despite the mostly technical, rather than the mainly covert experiences Tony had, he does not hesitate to clue his readers in when it comes to explaining his quite personal operational activity.

Finally, often times in books surrounding this topic, you wonder how much of what is delivered is falsified intentionally. I felt Tony opted to graciously decline the details which remain classified or would bring harm upon the profession or the professionals within the field, rather than fabricating a lie in it's place. For that, I extend my gratitude as well as my already flowing respect for this author.

October 15, 2014Report this review