The Medieval Period

The Medieval Period



Average rating4


I love a good mystery! The older - the better! There are some humdingers that are hiding within the pages of history, and while we can sniff out a good one while reading a book - there is something about having an amazing book of some of the bigger mysteries of the medieval period.
This book takes you through several of the mysterious happenings of England - was it murder or suicide? Did someone really kill the princes in the tower, or were they spirited away for their protection?

Dive into the Royal Mysteries: Medieval Period, and see what you can discover. There might be a few surprises waiting for you in the pages of this book! Grab your fave beverage and settle down for a night of mysterious happenings, royal deaths, and a whole lot of who dun it, and persons of interest! You will not be disappointed!

October 5, 2021Report this review