The memory of fire

The memory of fire

2018 • 430 pages


Average rating3.5


4.5 stars We first met Jahan Korakides in The Waking Land, when he helped Elanna Valtai unlock her powers as steward of the land and save her people. In The Memory of Fire, the story picks up where the first book left off, but from Jahan's perspective rather than Elanna's. We learn more about his childhood and the events that led him to Elanna, and we are with him as he fights to discover his new place in the world and who he truly is. I enjoyed the first book, but this follow-up is better. It was fun meeting a new cast of characters as well as learning more about existing ones. Additionally, it was more settled into the complex world created in the first book, so it wasn't as confusing to keep track of everything. I am interested to see where the third book goes from here!

June 16, 2018Report this review