The plot of this is better than the writing. The author head-hops a LOT, and some words are used incorrectly throughout (bespoke, for example, is not a fancy old fashioned way to say “spoke”). But I really liked Gillian, the protagonist, and the story of her family's strife was interesting.
Brice, the love interest, I found hilarious. Literally every time he even thinks about his wife he is suddenly walking around entirely consumed with nothing but his raging erection, that he can't control, that is just constantly throbbing with lust for this woman. Is he a grown man or 16 years old? His internal dialogue is genuinely 80% boners and tits.
Anyway, I finished it, weirdly written head-hopping be damned. And I'd probably try the author again, tbh. The plot was interesting enough to keep me reading.