The Midwich Cuckoos

The Midwich Cuckoos

1957 • 240 pages


Average rating3.9


Another example of classic British Science Fiction by John Wyndham. First published in 1957, the Midwich Cuckoos posits the idea “what if the Human race came up against a more advanced species in its own back yard” and all the chilling implications that would ensue. What makes it more chilling is that the threat is from a group of children.

Told from the point of view of Midwich resident Richard Gayford, the novel tells of Midwich being isolated by some kind of force field for a day and it eventually becomes apparent that virtually every woman of childbearing age within the village is pregnant. The children they give birth to are all eerily similar, with golden eyes and blonde hair. As they get older it becomes apparent that they are something other than human.

This is a novel heavy on philosophical musings, usually expounded through the character of Zellaby, a writer and owner of Kyle Manor. Zellaby becomes a kind of teacher to the Children and really the only one they trust. It is never made explicit that they are of extra-terrestrial origin, but that is the conclusion we are meant to draw.

And if we are no long the top predator.....what do we do? That is the question at the heart of this novel. What does a “civilised” society do in the face of a primal danger?

An excellent read.

December 11, 2021Report this review