This book was interesting if not frustrating, disturbing due to how the case in terms of evidence from a forensic point of view was very poorly handled.
Amanda Knox (also known as “La Luciferina” (angel faced devil) or “the dark lady of Seattle” and “Foxy Knoxxy” is a American student and Meredith was a British student that were both studying in Perugia, Italy they both attended a University for foreign students that oth British students attended.
Meredith Kercher was a student studying at the University as part of the (ERAMUS) Foreign Exchange Student Scheme which was called the European Region Action Scheme.
Meredith was studying Italian and about their culture, politics, and cinema history.
Amanda was almost fluent in Italian so there is no way she could claim not to know what was happening or why since her second boyfriend is/was Italian at the time she was studying in Perugia, Italy. She was studying Italian, German and Japanese.
She was attending a creative writing class and had to envision a fictional crime, so she decided to write a story about two men that “date raped” and woman and killed her, which is very similar to what happened to Meredith Kercher on the evening she was raped, stabbed, mutilated, strangled and murdered.
Witnesses statements and the testimonies of the roommate's that were living with Meredith at the time were not considered as vital evidence in terms of the time-frame before, during or after Meredith Kercher was murdered.
The fact that some of the forensic evidence for this murder investigation and the “Monster of Florence” serial killer cases was contaminated is appalling, some evidence such as fingerprints, impression of a bloody knife or Meredith's bra clasp were ignored or dismissed due to it being not useable in court as proof of DNA or definitive proof of the number of people involved in the crime and what they were doing when Meredith was murdered.
The prosecutor for this case was also the prosecutor for the “Monster of Florence” serial killer case.
I personally believe, that Amanda Knox took Meredith's money that she had withdrawn 250 Euros from her bank account to pay her rent bill, which Meredith had obviously noticed was missing and found it in Amanda's room which resulted in an argument.
They did not get on well or like each other Meredith “couldn't stand” Amanda and Amanda was very jealous of Meredith because a male student named Giacomo Silenzi living below them was interested in Meredith and she also liked him as well but said “you can have him” like he was her possession. Giacomo Silenzi later became Meredith's boyfriend, he seemed very kind, sweet, loving and caring, so why would Meredith invite anyone else other than her boyfriend into her bedroom if she was disgusted and fed up with Amanda inviting men over to see her when she already had a boyfriend? Did Raffaele know about this? Amanda claimed to have heen at Raffaele's place all night but said she went home to shower even though she saw blood in the bathroom.
Why wouldn't she investigate this and at least make sure her roommate's were okay?
Any normal or rational person would be concerned about seeing any amount of unexplained blood in a bathroom.
Why would she have a shower knowing there was blood in the bathroom and why didn't this concern her at all? She didn't once think to call the police when describing what happened when she returned home and the front door was open but Meredith's bedroom door was locked from the inside and her bedroom was 15 feet up and difficult to access from that area, unless you entered from the from or back of the building. The satanists that ransacked the building entered via a kitchen window.
I believe Raffaele Sollecito or Rudy Guede wanted to sleep with Meredith and she refused their unwanted sexual advances, so they decided to take what they wanted by force but then decided to kill her because she saw their faces, but just before she died she said the words of initials “AF”
She has sustained 47 wounds, some of which were superficial and may have been defensive wounds.
She was stabbed in her neck with force at a particular angle with two different knives that may or may not have been owned by Raffaele Solle ito since he said himself that “he collected knives” or that “had always carried a knife on him since the age of 13” Meredith's clothing had been removed, such as her bra, was cut off her and her underwear and whatever clothing she was wearing was also removed so it is difficult to say if she had consensual sex or not since there was no visible signs of trauma if she had been raped but she was found partially nude at the crime scene.
I think she was held down, and stabbed and cut in her throat, strangled since the hyoid bone in her neck was broken, but there was no mention of petechial haemorrhaging in her eyes which is normal or common when a person is strangled so it is strange that was not mentioned if she was strangled. I believe she was raped while being stabbed and strangled to death. I believe the motive was related to money, that Amanda was jealous of Meredith because she was a good person and Amanda was the exact opposite, she hated Meredith which is why she didn't cry or show any signs of emotional distress on the day Meredith was discovered dead, bloody and mutilated.
Amanda and her Italian boyfriend acted indifferent to what was going on around them as if they are the only people in the world, they were kissing, and holding hands, something which later greatly disturbed and upset Meredith's British friends due to Amanda's “very strange” behaviour and attitude towards the murder investigation as a whole, as if it was nothing that her “friend” was just murdered. There was a Albanion witness that saw Amanda, Raffaele and Rudy Guede outside of the villa or cottage whatever you want to call it, as if they had planned the murder and were just about to proceed but noticed someone saw them so they decided to wait a day before going ahead with their plan. The day after the murder of Meredith Kercher took place, Amanda and Raffaele were seen buying cleaning products such as bleach that they later used to clean up the crime scene and a knife that Raffaele used to stab or threaten Meredith with. His home smelled of bleach when they arrived to look for evidence, one knife was found in his garden, but was never tested for DNA, or any other possible traces of blood etc..
The suspects threw clothing around and broke a window from the inside out to try to make it look like there was a robbery, but no valuables were taken from the house. (There is a documentary about the crime scene and how th e murder took place) The front door was left open or unlocked internationally. Raffaele claimed to be using his computer all night long but there isn't conclusive evidence to back up his supposed “alibi”.
Amanda was also seen washing her clothing at a laundrette Via Fabretti on (November 2nd) the day after the murder.
Amanda had a American boyfriend (his name was never mentioned) while dating Raffaele Sollecito, and slept with 7 other men so it is not not surprising that she was considered promiscuous or a “man-eater” by the Italian or European media due to the way she behaved and owning a vibrator and having condoms with her while living at Via de pergola.
It is also not surprising that Amanda is HIV positive either due to the number of men she was having sex with or not having safe sex.
The prosecutor Mignini described Amanda as, manipulative, narcissistic, angry, aggressive, transgressive, theatrical, took a dislike to anyone that did not agree with her or didn't follow her ideals. She is a pathological liar and emotionally manipulative of men so they will willingly do whatever she wants them to do including murder just to please her.
Raffaele was described as cold, dependent, and had a fear of losing the support of others.
I think they are both indifferent, cold, callous and very selfish and glib about their involvement in the crime, at no point did either of them show any sign of emotional distress, or sadness, they never cried about what happened to Meredith or didn't seem upset or hurt in anyway.
They both seemed quite happy or relieved after the murder took place. They had no remorse or guilt about what they had done at all, they only feel guilty because they were caught, tried and convicted of murder.
The testimony of their roomate at the time Filomena Romanelli or the neighbours was interesting and important, at least they cared enough about Meredith to be concerned about her wellbeing due to the blood in the bathroom that Amanda and Meredith shared.
After the murder suspects were in custody and they were interrogated Amanda changed her story several times to shift the blame onto a innocent man, which backfired and made her look even more guilty. If she was innocent why would she implement a innocent man in a crime he had nothing to do with, just because he fired her for being lazy or high at work? While working at the bar Le Chic Amanda behaviour was erratic and flirtatious, instead of her doing her job she would flirt with any man that would show her the slightest bit of attention, she acted in a antagonistic, narcissistic and childish way that Patrick Lumumba finally had enough of her and rightfully fired her.
This was one of the reasons she was aggravated and needed Meredith's money to buy pot.
The house was ransacked even though there was still police crime scene tape up the house was not guarded anymore which made it a easy target for satanists to break in and perform satanic rituals.
Even though the crime was not ritualistic in nature it was a brutal murder that involved a lot of bloodshed, pain and sexual assault.
There are a lot of satanists in Italy specifically in Perugia, Milan (the beasts of satan cult/band committed their crimes there but unfortunately there is no detailed book about the crimes which would be interesting to read) and Turin.
The satanists involved in witchcraft and performing rituals that I have spoken too online have said that sex is a vital aspect for rituals to give it more power.
Sexual energy is used as a type of currency for a spell or ritual to be effective because there is always a price to be paid so it isn't surprising that satanists would choose a place where a violent murder occurred for performing rituals.
Knives from the house were found, and candle wax drippings were also found in Meredith's bedroom.
Both Amanda and Raffaele were convicted of murder as well as several other charges which were the following: Amanda received 26 years in prison and Raffaele received 25 years in prison, both were charged with sexual assault charges (6-12 years), theft (1-6 years), simulation of a crime (staging a crime 1-3 years), possession of a weapon (1 year), murder with cruelty involved (a life sentence)
Amanda was also charged with slander for saying she was hit by a policewoman, or physically and psychologically intimidated during her interrogation and made her confession under duress.
I don't think there will ever be a conclusive answer as to what exactly happened to meredith, not unless Amanda Knox “foxy knoxy” and Raffaele Sollecito admit to what they have done and at least apologise to Meredith's family even though it wouldn't mean much due to what they have done.
R.I.P Meredith Kercher, you didn't deserve what happened to you, it makes me feel apprehensive about going to a European country as a British tourist.