The Mysteries

The Mysteries

2023 • 72 pages


Average rating4


I pre-ordered a while ago this without knowing anything about it other than Bill Watterson was involved.

I loved Calvin & Hobbes as a kid, although I'm not a die hard fan and I don't own the books. As such I haven't reread them in a while. However his name was enough for me to check out his first new work in forever.

I promptly forgot about this book until I got the ship notification this week.

It's incredibly short. Some pages have a single sentences. At most there are 2 or 3. Each pair of pages has text on the left and a picture on the right. It's only 72 pages long. So there really isn't a lot to it.

I enjoyed it, but probably would have preferred to simply borrow it from a library to read once.

October 10, 2023Report this review