Average rating3.8
This probably more like 4.5 stars because of one the stupider twists but I'm rounding up because it's better than some of the other stuff I've read lately.
Things done well:
The post partum experience. While I've never had a baby, I could tell the author was starting from a realistic well researched place. I liked that the character actually *liked her baby. It would have been very easy to write a party girl book.
* Characters behaved consistently and knew their worth.
* The rich peoples choices were hilarious.
The bad
* One of the final twists made sense...but felt forced. Like that final flourish where the author wants to make the book seem really messed up. It just fell flat for me.
* You really mean to tell me no one ever rented out tools to find the the secret compartment?? A house that expensive, you can afford an expert.