Average rating3.7
My problem with this book is I went into it with an entirely different idea of what it would be, and it did not deliver. I was so excited when this book was first announced because it apparently would take place New Year's Eve 1999 at a Blockbuster. I really thought the entire book would take place in this setting and it would play out like a closed room thriller, intertwined with a modern day copycat murder. I was hoping the chapters in the past would read like “No Exit” where I'd be questioning everyone and everything introduced and have a nail-biting experience. Unfortunately only about 5 chapters of the book take place in the 90s and instead of being in the action, you spend the novel following around detectives. I don't normally read or enjoy detective thrillers, so my opinion could be unpopular, but I really had a hard time following what was happening. There were so many side stories going on with way more characters than I enjoy reading about that I had no clue what information I needed to keep with me to solve the case. When the killer was revealed, I didn't really care. The only perspective I enjoyed was Ella's. I thought the final girl perspective was fun, but I also think more past chapters would have been more enjoyable to read. I'm a bit disappointed because I really enjoyed “Every Last Fear” from this author, but this one didn't hit like I had hoped it would.