Average rating3.7
4/19/20 - Updating my review and lowering another star because I can't get this out of my head for all the wrong reasons.
Spoilers: Seriously! What was the author thinking? That this romance would be cute? The more I think about it, the more I absolutely HATE the brother. Seriously, what a malicious, controlling, and all around terrible character! Chasing away any potential suiters for his step sister because he wanted her that badly? Ruining her chance at being with someone because HE had to have her? Holy shit, what a red flag! Then going on these adventures and helping her with her project for the sole fact of being with her? And ADMITTING IT? Then trying to seduce her in the hotel? Just wrong on SO many levels. Finally the ending, where they're gonna conveniently run off together to live in Singapore? Honey NO! Just no! This stepbrother is dangerous, controlling, and manipulative. Run girl, run! The fact that they grew up together is even more problematic. ALSO if the father and mother knew about this the entire time, then WHY did they allow them to continue having rooms near each other? Because the son promised he wouldn't do anything? Because the daughter/MC was oblivious to the fact? COME ON! Just because he's sooooo handsome does NOT excuse the behavior!
————Original Review ——–
Really liked the overall mystery and blend of Malasyan mythology/folklore. The way everything was connected, including the 5 names. The plot was a bit stuffed and the romance was completely unnecessary. Also, his attitude was very concerning “You have always been mine”. Uhh creepy. No. Watching and wanting her for all those years? And the way he finally plots to make his move? Then confiding that he never carrier about XX that she has been so interested in?? Girl, I don't care how good looking he is, RUN!