The Noonday Demon

The Noonday Demon

2000 • 578 pages


Average rating4.1


One of the most difficult books I have read in my life. It's not that it's hard to read, quite the opposite actually, the author has a very eloquent and captivating style of writing.
The difficulty lies in the subject of the book. Although it is a very thorough and all-encompassing book on depression, knowing thy enemy does not give you an advantage, at least not in this case. There is no Achiles' heel when battling with depression. You might seek a way to circumvent it, but as the author explains with countless examples, this endeavour is pointless, unless you've resigned yourself to suicide, which is nothing but a permanent solution to a (somewhat) temporary affliction. You learn to live with it, notice your triggers, become humble, let go and be grateful for the sunny day in an otherwise grim English summer.
My only regret is that the author focused a lot on medicine (antidepressants, ECT) and not enough on therapy and alternative medicine. There have been a few drugs and rituals that he has indeed tested on himself, but by far not all and not the most important ones.

July 25, 2017Report this review