The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea

1952 • 96 pages


Average rating3.6


I read this for a summer challenge. I've never read it and I've never much wanted to, but my husband had it on his shelf and it's a short book, so I thought I'd finally read it.

Most of the book I didn't much care what was happening. I didn't care if he caught the fish or not, it didn't seem to matter. I talked to my husband about it and it was interesting to hear his view, but I still wasn't attached. And then the sharks came and I was invested! I was suddenly so heartbroken for this poor old man. And when the villagers saw the fish carcass strapped to the skiff and were measuring it I actually started crying. I was in the car reading while my husband was driving and he had to hold my hand because I was just sobbing.

This has happened to me before with classics. Much of the story drags on, but it comes together into something powerful and I'm glad I pushed through to the end.

June 20, 2023Report this review