The One

The One

2016 • 291 pages


Average rating4


tl;dr Enjoyed it, would receommend.

I can certainly see why its so popular. I wouldn't call it SciFi though. The initial premise might be, and it is forward/present looking, but thats as close to science fiction as it gets.

I really enjoyed this book. I picked it up from the library on a complete whim. It sounded cool, and I thought I remember the premise on netflix (I later did learn that yes, it is a series). I'm not normally a fan of the story split up characters point of view. It often feels disjointed. But honestly I don't think this book would have worked any other way. There's so many twists and unexpected turns, if it just focused on one character, or even worse one then the next, it wouldn't work, and wouldn't be suspenseful.

If anything I could have done with one less character, just so the rest got more fleshed out, but honestly I wouldn't want to nix any of them, I liked all of them.

May 12, 2021Report this review