The Others
2024 • 282 pages

Thank you Netgalley and Sparkpress for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my opinion.

The Others by Evette Davis has a very interesting idea that piqued my interest. “A centuries-old vampire, William is far too jaded to take an interest in human affairs—but Olivia no longer has the luxury of remaining impartial”. I was sold for this book at that description. However, the contents of the book read rather... rudimentary for me. I don't mind when I can't connect to characters based on physical, emotional, or other characteristics that make up someone. However, these characters lacked... personality. There is some personality among the characters but.. limited.

I... it's hard to write this review. I wanted to like The Others because I haven't read a good vampire book in a few years and I enjoy politics in books. But this... I'm disappointed.

It's... blasé??

2.5 but round up to 3 stars

September 9, 2024Report this review